Monday, September 1, 2008

Back into the Swing of Things

I know, I's been a while. And I have no excuse, really, because my summer has not been overly jammed packed with stuff that would have detered me from posting a new blog. Let's just call it a summer break...even from blogging!
I went home for half of May and all of June and had the honor of standing in Amanda & Joseph's wedding, was able to get into a recording studio with the band, and spend some much needed time with family. Over all, my time at home was wonderful. There are some pictures posted to give you an idea. The rest of my summer has been spent back in Kentucky working full time at Good News Magazine and going out with friends. It has been great to have a relaxing couple of months, but I can't tell you how excited I am to start school again. I am no longer in the MDIV program; I've switched to the new MA Worship & the Arts track. It's something that hit me like a ton of bricks this summer when I heard that Asbury was creating this new degree. I hadn't felt right all last semester in the MDIV track, but there wasn't really anything else that fit either...but I knew that God wanted me here at Asbury. So, when I returned to Kentucky after my month at home, I discovered this new degree plan & knew immediately that this is why God called me here. It's a pretty big piece of the puzzle and it feels good to have a better grip on my goal. I hear over and over from many people here that they are in the same predicament as I...they know God has called them here but are not sure what they're going to do with their degree or what they'll do after school. It's reassuring that I'm not the only one that's not being clued in on the big picture! I'm also glad for small puzzle pieces...they help me to trust the Lord for everything in life.
That has been a large theme for the past year and it has been wonderful to witness the truth of God's faithfulness. His word says that He is faithful and sure, but it's an amazing moment when I get to turn around and relive the past year and see just how faithful God has been. 2 Timothy 2:13 says, "If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself." I have to admit...there have been times that I have lost faith throughout this whole process, but God has proven faithful, for that's who He is - Faithful. Just as I cannot deny that I am Sara, He cannot deny that He is faithful. Beautiful.
Please pray for me as I venture out into another unknown semester of books and papers and projects.



You are so adorable! Love the pics. Keep 'em comin'!

Linda Martin said...

The new program sounds great!